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-- 作者:admin -- 发布时间:2010/1/30 21:58:44 -- 完美解决Windows 7中ATI Radeon 9550/X1050 Series系统默认显卡驱动程序导致的乱码等问题
The following products have been moved to the legacy software support structure (including Mobile and All-in-Wonder Variants): Note: AMD’s DirectX 9 ATI Radeon graphics accelerators are not officially supported under Windows 7. If the user chooses to, they can install the ATI Catalyst Windows Vista graphics driver under Windows 7. Please be aware that none of the new Windows 7 graphics driver (WDDM 1.1) features are supported (as the Windows Vista level graphics driver is limited to WDDM 1.0 level support). Using the ATI Catalyst Windows Vista driver under Windows 7 is not officially supported by AMD, and as such AMD will not provide any form of customer support for users running in this configurATIon AMD may periodically provide Windows XP and Windows Vista driver updates (for the products listed above) for critical fixes only. No new features will be provided in future driver updates. The Linux ATI Catalyst? driver will only be supported in Linux distributions prior to February 2009 for the legacy products listed above. Any customers using a combinATIon of a ATI Radeon? HD 2000 Series, ATI Radeon? HD 3000 Series, or ATI Radeon? HD 4000 Series product with any of the legacy products listed above in a single PC system must use the ATI Catalyst 9.3 or earlier driver. All future ATI Catalyst? releases made available past the ATI Catalyst? 9.3 release will not include support for the legacy products listed above or any of the features associated with those legacy products. http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ATI.com/drivers/9-11_legacy_vista32-64_dd_ccc.exe 下载以后,双击运行9-11_legacy_vista32-64_dd_ccc.exe 选择解压路径
3.OpenGL驱动无法使用:有声音无图像 系统默认驱动程序版本: 去设备管理器中查看此属性。 解决方法: 启动”设备管理器” 分别卸载ATI Radeon 9550/X1050 Series和ATI Radeon 9550/X1050 Series Secondary(在显示适配器下2项卸载) 此主题相关图片如下:ati061.jpg 3.重启计算机,正常启动 此主题相关图片如下:ati081.jpg 启动”设备管理器” 此主题相关图片如下:ati091.jpg 更新视频控制器驱动程序 此主题相关图片如下:ati101.jpg 然后会提示 “WINDOWS已经成功地更新驱动程序文件” 更新完成后如下图 此主题相关图片如下:ati121.jpg 更新”ATI Radeon 9550/X1050 Series”驱动程序,提示”已安装适合设备的最佳驱动程序软件”,并要求重新启动计算机 此主题相关图片如下:ati141.jpg 4.重启计算机,正常启动 通过设备管理器查看显示适配器属性 此主题相关图片如下:ati161.jpg 驱动程序版本:8.593.100.0 此主题相关图片如下:ati171.jpg OpenGL驱动正常使用 原帖地址: [此贴子已经被作者于2010-11-6 20:27:50编辑过]
-- 作者:admin -- 发布时间:2010/1/30 21:59:59 -- 最开始前一个WIN7 系统无法按F8,因为是系统问题,要重新换个版本就可以了 opengl使用不正常,要按照网上的方法
微软自动安装驱动-删除文件夹-安全模式删除驱动-正常启动装ati 9.11驱动-如果aero没出现,很有可能是没选win7 aero主题,而是basic主题,换下即可 其实是不是微软自己默认装好后,什么都不用管,直接装ati驱动,监测性能分,然后用aero主题即可?没试过 [此贴子已经被作者于2016-1-6 14:27:17编辑过]