-- 作者:admin
-- 发布时间:2009/10/24 20:37:42
-- base64位加解密法
执行加解密的base64代码包 http://blogimg.chinaunix.net/blog/upfile2/090630011922.gz
解压放到任意位置 cmd运行 打开所在位置, 运行代码 base64 -e 1.txt 2.txt 下面第一条的意思是代码运行规则 OPTION解释各个代码位置的含义 如果是-d就是解密,-e就是加密 一定以输入输出文件运行,不能直接加解密代码, 像上面那条,可以将要加密的代码输入到1.txt,加密后的代码就会在2.txt里了 ( base64 [ -d / -e ] [ options ] [ infile ] [ outfile ] ------------------------------------------
- --copyright
- Print copyright information.
- -d, --decode
- Decodes the input, previously created by base64, to recover the original input file.
- -e, --encode
- Encodes the input into an output text file containing its base64 encoding.
- -n, --noerrcheck
- Suppress error checking when decoding. By default, upon encountering a non white space character which does not belong to the base64 set, or discovering the input file is incorrectly padded to a multiple of four characters, base64 issues an error message and terminates processing with exit status 1. The -n option suppresses even this rudimentary error checking; invalid characters are silently ignored and the output truncated to the last three valid octets if the input is incorrectly padded.
- -u, --help
- Print how to call information and a summary of options.
- --version
- Print program version information.