原文见http://www.cnblogs.com/gengxiaoc ... 7/12/01/979092.html
function DivSetVisible(state)
var DivRef = document.getElementById('PopupDiv');
var IfrRef = document.getElementById('DivShim');
if (state)
DivRef.style.display = "block";
IfrRef.style.width = DivRef.offsetWidth;
IfrRef.style.height = DivRef.offsetHeight;
IfrRef.style.top = DivRef.style.top;
IfrRef.style.left = DivRef.style.left;
IfrRef.style.zIndex = DivRef.style.zIndex - 1;
IfrRef.style.display = "block";
DivRef.style.display = "none";
IfrRef.style.display = "none";
<option>A Select Box is Born ....</option>
<div id="PopupDiv" style="position:absolute; top:25px; left:50px; padding:4px; display:none; background-color:#000000; color:#ffffff; z-index:100">
.... and a DIV can cover it up<br/>through the help of an IFRAME.
<iframe id="DivShim" src="javascript:false;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; display:none;">
<a href="#" >Click to show DIV.</a>
<a href="#" >Click to hide DIV.</a>